Dr. Jack Keverian, Professor Emeritus of Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pa., will speak on “3D Printing: A Technology Destined to
We are in the digital era, Keverian says, when a person can design a part using computer-aided design software, can instantly transmit that information anywhere in the world, and convert those bits of information into plastic, metallic, or ceramic parts, or even potentially into a human body part. Another name for this exciting new technology is additive manufacturing, and it is currently in the early stages of transforming the way we live and work. 3D printing, he says, can change our very economy. In his March 3 talk, Keverian will describe the way this technology has evolved and highlight the opportunities that lie ahead.
Keverian graduated from MIT with a B.S., M.S., and D.Sc. in metallurgy. He has been associated with this technology since its inception, and has lectured in the U.S., China, and Armenia on this subject, including a graduate course at Drexel titled “Rapid Part Manufacturing.”
In 2002, Drexel University gave him an Academic Award as a “Testimony to Your Dedication in Conceiving and Introducing Rapid Part Manufacturing Technology to Drexel University and To the Greater Delaware Valley Community.” The Special Processing Institute of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and Beijing Mechanical Engineering Society jointly recognized Keverian’s contributions to China in the field of rapid prototyping and manufacturing technology in a special award ceremony at Tsinghua University in 2004.
Keverian was also chair of the Armenia Earthquake Coalition of Greater Boston from 1989-90; president of the Maryland State Chamber of Commerce from 1976-77; and director of Union Trust Bancorp from 1974-1986. He was chief architect of the Intra-Industry Research program at the Investment Casting Institute; vice-chairman of Metals Handbook Committee on Heat Resistant Alloys at the American Society of Metals; and vice-chairman of the Research Committee at the American Foundrymen’s Society.
Source: armenianweekly.com