Foundry Corporate News Topic Chemicals Topic Pressure Die Casting

PETROFER TRANSTHERM VG 32 replaces competitive Heat Transfer Fluids

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Modern aluminium alloy components – today installed in many vehicles – have bigger demands in the die casting machines as well as their moulds. Not only the demands in the quality of the workpieces has increased, but thereby also the request to the heat transfer fluids referring their working temperatures and their lifetimes. 

In order to comply to the requested tolerances and surface-qualities of the workpieces an exact temperature adjustment control of the moulds by heating-/cooling- devices is essential.  The ageing of the heat transfer fluids results in the formation of mud and precipitations. This affects an exact temperature adjustment control and can finally lead to a breakdown of the heating-/cooling device.

Many today used heat transfer fluids do not fulfill these demands and within short time heavy problems may occur. These problems were also known at one of our biggest customer supplying the automobile industry. In this way PETROFER was able to convince a big customer to test a modern heat transfer fluid with excellent properties.

In order to give a comparison, the heating-/cooling device was operated for a few weeks with TRANSTHERM VG 32 and the filter residues as well as discolouration and sludge formation was observed. After this the same heating-/cooling device was operated under the same conditions for the same period of time with a competitive product on mineral oil basis. 

The analysis of the residues in the filter and the discolouration of the oils have convinced well-known customers, that TRANSTHERM VG 32 is the better product for this application. 

Laboratory trials and practical tests clearly prove, that more modern organic heat transfer fluids as PETROFER TRANSTHERM VG 32  are considerably superior to standard products. 

A long  lifetime and the ability to form minor precipitations and minor ageing products even at high fluid temperatures–characterise modern heat transfer fluids as PETROFER TRANSTHERM VG 32.

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