
GER – Politicians, trade unionists and scientists discuss the future of the foundry industry

The energy turnaround, climate protection, shortage of skilled workers and young topics determine the future of Germany as a business location and thus also that of the foundry industry.


Press Release | Reading time: min

 In order to play an active role in shaping them, the Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry (BDG) invites all interested parties on

14 September 2022, the Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry (BDG) invites all interested parties to the Foundry Industry Future Day. Together with its guests, such as Parliamentary

State Secretary Stefan Wenzel (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) and the Member of the Bundestag and Federal Chairman of the Jusos, Jessica Rosenthal (SPD), the association will be talking about a common path to the future.

The foundry industry in Germany comprises around 600 companies and employs employs just under 70,000 people in Germany. These companies and their employees are aware of their economic, ecological and social responsibility and make an important contribution to the future of our society as a whole.

"We are enablers of the energy turnaround. We are pioneers in recycling. We produce components that no branch of industry in Germany can do without in the long term. Without the German foundry industry, the future of Germany as  a business location would look very different. That's why we launched the Future Day a year ago, not only to deal with ourselves, but also to open up the discourse to the outside world of politics, science, business and economy and society," says Max Schumacher, Managing Director of the BDG.

The industry is currently facing major challenges. The gas shortage and exploding electricity costs are causing problems for energy-intensive companies. and the effects of the Corona pandemic are still being felt. This situation is tying up a lot of capacity, but we must not lose sight of the future out of sight. At this year's Future Day of Foundry industry, topics such as SMEs & transformation, financing, innovation, labor shortage and young talent will be discussed.

Participation in the Foundry Industry Future Day is free of charge for all interested parties.

For the livestream broadcast, only registration is required.

via the following form: 

The number of places for presence guests in the House of the Foundry Industry (Hansaallee 203, 40549 Düsseldorf) is limited to 100. Interested parties can register apply for a place on site until August 14 via the following link: 


About the Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry e.V.

The Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry (BDG) in Düsseldorf was founded in2008 and represents the interests of around 600 iron, steel and non-ferrous metal foundries.  The foundries employ around 70,000 employees. The German foundry industry is one of the most important supplier industries for vehicle, machine and plant construction.

Company Info

BDG - Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie e. V.

Hansaallee 203
40549 Düsseldorf

Telephone: +49(0)211/6871-0
