Not moving forward is actually a step back – Following this mantra, Rösler is constantly working to optimize its media and compounds to further improve the process stability, cost efficiency and productivity of mass finishing processes.
Due to an increasing customer demand, Rösler is excited to introduce its new “Y-range” of media - a plastic media type with the grinding characteristics of ceramic media, which does not chip and will also minimize the risk of work piece damage. This is a unique and frequently requested combination, a challenge in which Rösler has met head on with developing this new range of media. Featuring a special composition, these plastic grinding media have the same grinding and metal removal characteristics as their ceramic counterparts, while demonstrating higher elasticity. In addition, this media type allows for faster processing of delicate work pieces made from non-ferrous metals as well as parts that tend to bend during the finishing process.
Another breakthrough in development are a new line of liquid pastes within the RSP 8 range. This innovative grinding medium, which is relatively viscous, is still pumpable, allowing it to be dosed more precisely in line with the given processing requirements. Automatic dosing systems allow further optimization of the overall process. The utilization of such sophisticated dosing systems has helped improve the process controls, which has resulted in achieving desired finishing results with less personnel.
New developments can also be reported from the field of wastewater cleaning with recycling systems.
Granular pellets are replacing the powder products which have been used up to this point for flocculation and improvement of sludge consistency. Granular flocculants have several advantages: They allow optimized handling without the risk of dust, thus contributing to improved workplace safety. They also prevent so-called “bridge building” in the dosing units, which can lead to dosing error. The new granular flocculants can be dosed with existing dosing units. This leads to more precise dosing, which is very important for processes that use water which tends to foam. All of these characteristics, in combination with the mechanical stability of the granules and short reaction times, ensure a significant improvement of process stability.