The boss, Zoran Tesic, his son, Darko, and Sudhir Gurram are not only known worldwide but above all recognized experts and consultants.
From the dismantling and repairing of used equipment to the re-installation in a facility on another continent, TCT Tesic knows how to successfully and efficiently complete the whole process.
In 25 years’ time, you get to know many people and cultures, learn to develop solutions together, travel the world, all while keeping a home base in Iserlohn, Germany, from which all activities are coordinated. There, TCT Tesic has the necessary facilities, halls, and cranes to repair equipment to like-new as well as store it between customers.
And here, at home, this weekend’s big event will be held: TCT Tesic’s 25 Year Celebration.
Our heartfelt congratulations to Zoran Tesic and Team!
We wish you the best of luck and continued success in the future!
Foundry Marketing and Relocation:
- 2011 Italy to China:
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- 2 x DISA 230x Molding lines, Pouring furnces, DISA continuous blasting machines and cleaning lines
- Dismantling, cleaning, overhaul and loading of ca. 40 shipping containers
- Followed by the installation in Dalian - 2014 Germany to China:
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- Sale, dismantling of a HWS molding line incl. parts overhaul and export to China - 2015 USA to German:
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- Sale of DISA 250 molding line incl. overhaul and installation at the customer in Germany
Foundry Services:
- 2016 Overhaul of a 3 t. Crucible induction furnace
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- Made by Otto Junker, sold to a company in Kazakhstan - 2016 Overhaul of a 320 kW inductor
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- 2017 Overhaul of a Crucible furnace manufacturer - Otto Junker
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