
General Kinematics Corp.

5050 Rickert Rd., IL 60014 Crystal Lake, United States


General Kinematics is the premier manufacturer of vibrating equipment for the processing of bulk materials. From vibratory feeders to entire process systems, General Kinematics creates the solutions you require to process even the most difficult materials. View our equipment solutions by industry. What we do. For more than five decades, GK has helped the most profitable and efficient foundries turn their capital investments into profits. GK foundry equipment increases casting throughput, diminishes casting damage, and reduces maintenance cost. Our vibrating foundry equipment is the longest lasting vibratory equipment in the world, with the first unit ever built at GK still in operation today.
From Scrap yard to Shipping, General Kinematics has a process solution to improve your foundry flow and productivity. With the largest selection of vibratory and rotary technology available in the industry, GK can create process flow improvements that will show real value to your throughput and bottom line. General Kinematics sustainable foundry technology allows you to do more work with less energy, and reclaim renewable materials instead of sending them to the landfill.
Why GK?
General Kinematics partners with our customers to provide vibratory equipment that improves their throughput, increases their profitability, and reduces maintenance costs. Our employees genuinely want our customers to be successful in their businesses, and will do all they can to provide you with equipment and solutions to do so. With hundreds of patents, thousands of installations, engineers trained in the latest technological advancements and sales engineers to educate you on the right equipment solution, you can depend on General Kinematics.


  • DUCTA-SERIES™ Rotary Drums
  • VIBRA-MILL® Vibratory Batch Sand Reclamation
  • Two-Mass Shakeouts
  • PARA-MOUNT II® Vibrating Feeders
  • V-TROUGH® Vibratory Inclined Conveyors
  • Lost Foam Systems
  • VIBRA-FIN™ Bulk Material Cooler / Conditioner
  • SPIRA-COOL® Casting Cooling Spirals


5050 Rickert Rd.
IL 60014 Crystal Lake
United States

Telephone +18154553222

Press Releases & News

General Kinematics Reflects on a Successful Year and Looks Ahead with Optimism

From pioneering technological advancements to strengthening customer relationshi...

General Kinematics blickt auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr zurück und startet optimistisch ins neue Jahr

Durch bahnbrechende technologische Fortschritte, die Stärkung von Kundenbeziehu...


GK Systems specializes in developing turnkey systems for foundries, recycling fa...
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