

Karl-Harr Str. 1, 44263 Dortmund, Deutschland / Germany


RGU.FRP® – High Tech Digital Solutions for the metal casting industry

The RGU was founded in 1984 and is a software company that provides high – tech and tailor-made digital solutions to the metal casting industry combined with competent consultancy. At the core of its solutions are the FRP®-suite of integrated software applications.

Based in Dortmund, Germany, for more than 35 years, the RGU has meanwhile established a leading position within the central European metal casting world. The global footprint was enhanced via a dedicated partner network covering not only non-European foundry markets but very much Asia Pacific + Africa and Middle East.

The FRP®-suite is derived from the well-known abbreviation ERP which stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. But instead of an undefined “enterprise” the RGU is focused exclusively on “foundries = metal casting companies” also including steel-mills and aluminium smelters. This industry sector has significantly different corporate processes in comparison to standard manufacturing systems users – and this has led to the abbreviation FRP® - Foundry Resource Planning.

The metal casting (foundry) process is a rare manufacturing process where a product is shaped from an initial liquid and the description of this shaping process demands the usage of a DIGITAL TWIN technology approach. Using such DIGITAL TWIN has multiple advantages which shine when production planning and controlling is in demand as well tracking, tracing and creating utmost transparency for improved costing control. In addition, the process of casting determines all the mechanical properties all the other industries will work with later on. Primary shaping is the task, and that is why the RGU.FRP®-suite is the tool to manage this process from inquiry to dispatch and including the melting process itself.

For more than 35 years, the RGU has been developing software for the foundry industry. Almost 4 decades during which whole software development cycles have passed. We have mastered the challenges of all these years with our adaptive and dynamic team which forms the backbone of our company. Working together with our customers and partners on a global scale, we have created leading digital solutions for the metal casting industry. In the coming years we will further concentrate all our energy on the incorporation of new digital ideas relating to „Foundry 4.0“ with the firm goal in mind, to not only support and advance the foundry industry but also enhance its competitiveness with the best possible solutions via our digital platform.

We live and breathe casting and are actively shaping your processes. Our slogan – „RGU - Cast in Software“ – reflects how strong our connections to the foundry business have been ever since we were founded. Our products are integrated digital platform solutions with a sophisticated level of detail providing a high level of standard coverage for the often complex processes in metal casting operations.

We know what you are talking about without having to check in a foundry dictionary.

Our global consulting services are based on well-founded metal casting knowledge combined with high-tech IT-know-how to your advantage. Understanding foundry means understanding the human experience rooting back for many centuries.

Ronald Kreft, CEO – RGU GmbH / Jochen Pacyna, CTO – RGU GmbH


Karl-Harr Str. 1
44263 Dortmund
Deutschland / Germany

Telephone +49 (0) 231 41 997 0

Press Releases & News

Digital Control of the Melting Process is an Absolute Must for Greater Efficiency

The state of melting operations in the metal industry (foundries, iron and steel...

Digitale Kontrolle des Schmelzprozesses ist absolut ein MUSS um effizienter zu werden

Die Situation in Schmelzbetrieben der Metallindustrie (Gießerei, Eisen- und Sta...


Three days of great learning and brilliant collaboration, close to 7000+ visitor...


RGU ASIA Pte. Ltd.
18 Sing Ming Lane
573960 #07-37 MidView City
Tel: +65-91553138

Foundry Resource Planning and Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Siddharth Elegance-345,
Old Chhani Road, Vadodara-390024
Gujarat, India
Mobile : +91-9099242345
Email   :
Web     :

C-Intact GmbH
Hauptstraße 9-11
33758 Schloß Holte-St.
Tel: +49-5207-99121-0

RGU CZ s.r.o.
Kounicova 67a
60200 Brno
Tel: +420-541-144-036

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