On 8 March 2023, the Association of German Die Casting Foundries (VDD) and the Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry (BDG) will be holding the 22nd Die Casting Day in the Rheingoldhalle in Mainz. The conference offers die casting foundries, the supply industry, universities and institutes as well as die casting users an attractive platform to present new technologies, process and material developments as well as new areas of application and to discuss them with the professional community.
Note: Already on the previous evening, Tuesday, 07.03.2023, a "Founders' Evening" will take place at 7:00 p.m. at the invitation of TRIMET Aluminium SE, Aluminiumallee 1, 45356 Essen.
Registration: We look forward to receiving your registration by 8 Ferbruar 2023: https://form.bdguss.de/view.php?id=250187
Lecture programme
Wednesday, 8 March 2022
09:30 53rd Ordinary General Meeting of the VDD (Separate invitation))
10:00 Opening and welcome by the Chairperson
10:15 The changing aluminium market
(Tim Okelmann - TRIMET Aluminium SE, Essen)
10:45 Light is money - Reducing electricity costs through lighting contracting in foundries (Hellena Ebel - CONLED Lichtcontracting GmbH, Bremerhaven)
11:15 Decarbonisation & climate neutrality, casting materials and properties (Dr. Stuart Wiesner - Aluminium Rheinfelden Alloys GmbH, Rheinfelden)
11:45 Financing the foundry industry in times of EU taxonomy (Frank Hoppe - Knöll Finanzierungsberatung, Augsburg)
12:15 Lunch Break
13:30 Challenges of a foundry in transformation (Stefan Kneer - Albert Handtmann Metallgusswerk GmbH & Co. KG, Biberach)
14:00 Saving energy, raw materials and costs through innovative release agent technology for structural components in aluminium die casting
(Dr. Jochen Caster - Quaker Houghton Sales B.V., Germany branch)
14:30 Digitalisation as a supporter for the industrialisation of a new production plant
(Eric Müller - Casting Divisions Gnutti Carlo Group/Ljunghall, Maclodio, Italy)
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Magnesium - What's next? (Dr Martin Tauber - International Magnesium Association IMA)
15:45 Can the tension between increasing productivity,reducing costs and introducing new products be resolvedwhile at the same time aggravating the shortage of skilled workers?
(Jürgen Schmiezek - TVARIT GmbH, Frankfurt a. M.)
16:15 Megacasting: Opportunities - Status - Outlook (Michael Cinelli - Bühler AG Die Casting, Uzwil)
16:45 Closing words
For more information, visit the website: https://www.guss.de/organisation/bdg/veranstaltungen/druckgusstag-2023