Dear partners, colleagues and friends from Portorož!
We hope you are successfully dealing with the challenges of corona virus at the moment. It has been the main subject of all our messages since March. With today's message, we would like to announce, that in the Slovenian Foundrymen Society's office we are preparing for our jubilee foundry event in Portoroz with full intensity. Be aware that we have also extended the deadline for lecture registration.
The Slovenian Foundrymen Society together with Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, will organize 60th IFC Portoroz 2020 which will take place from 16 - 18 September 2020 under the motto "Tradition and future".
Deadline for exhibitor registration is July 31st 2020 or until exhibition areas are taken.
Offer for exhibitors and sponsors