
Address of the Acting President of the BRICS Foundry

Association to the Members and Partners of the BRICSFA

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Dear Colleagues, Members of the BRICS Foundry Association, Friends!

Let me, as the current President, convey to you our vision of the current situation and draw some conclusions regarding our joint activities.

First, we are watching with concern the adverse development of the pandemic in India, which may prevent our esteemed Indian colleagues from joining us in Moscow in June. The exit and entry regulation in other BRICS Countries also continues to be unpredictable.In addition, due to the involvement of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the organization of events within the framework of the Russian Foundry Congress, including our own, additional requirements, procedures and bureaucratic formalities have been added to the organization process, as well as the registration of official invitations to foreign guests, which requires 
significantly more time.

All of the above makes it irrational and impossible to hold our so long-awaited event in June 2021. 
In this regard, I, for my part, propose to postpone the BRICS Foundry Association Forum and hold it on November 09 - 12, 2021 within the framework of Metal Expo 2021. 

I kindly ask you all, dear Colleagues, to express your opinion about the postponement of the Forum, the new dates of the Event and the possibility of your participation. 

I express my heartfelt hope to see you all in Moscow soon.

Sincerely yours,

Igor Kulkov

Company Info

Russian Association of Foundrymen (RAL)

Presnensky Val street- 14
123557 Moscow

Telephone: +7 (499) 253-50-91
