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Baraldi - Total thermal vision

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Baraldi - Total thermal vision

TTV - “TOTAL THERMAL VISION” is the NEW GENERATION of  Smart Lubrication System

TTV is a thermographic system that produces a COMPLETE THERMAL MAP of the DIE at EACH CYCLE

TTV allows a detailed control of the whole die surface  . . . cycle after cycle . . .

TTV is a revolutionary control system in the diecasting process

“TOTAL THERMAL VISION” allows to optimize the PRODUCTION START UP and WARM-UP phases. . .

. . . reducing the number of start up rejections . . .

. . . with an ideal thermal ramp to safeguard the service life of the die . . .

. . . reducing energy consumption . . .

. . . reducing waste water volumes . . .







  • . . . to realize a complete mapping, - of the whole die,  at each cycle,  without stopping the process,  for ever . . .
  • . . . optimize the application of release agent on the die . . .
  • . . . optimize the management of the die heating and cooling circuits . . .
  • . . . identify immediately thermal deviations and prevent production problems or rejections . . .
  • . . . obtain important suggestions about process improvements . . .

Data concerning particularly critical points or areas can be shwon as a Diagram or a Table and possible anomalies can be immediately identified.

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“TOTAL THERMAL VISION” allows to identify “anomalies” and to take promt actions

“Anomalous” T data (out of standard range) are displayed and the necessary corrective actions are automatically activated.

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  • Do you want to safeguard the die?
  • Do you want to monitor the die to optimize its design?
  • Restart costs are important for you?
  • Are you looking for a constant improvement of your process?
  • Are you trying to reduce your waste-water?
  • Are your customers asking you to guarantee the process?


You are ready for T T V the “TOTAL THERMAL VISION”


<link _top>Click here for more information and contact to Baraldi Lubrificanti S.r.l. in our Suppliers Profile
