Christian Gück took over the management of YXLON Inspection Services and will promote the expansion of the inspection services for customers worldwide. Especially dimensional metrology by means of computed tomography poses considerable challenges both to X-ray systems and inspectors. Gück, who had already focused on metrology during his studies, had the opportunity to gain extended experience in the field of conventional measuring methods like tactile or optical technologies as well as CT Metrology during several years with a renowned German company. “During that time I specialized and focused on dimensional measuring by computed tomography because in the framework of the initiative Industry 4.0 and completely new production technologies it means a great future market. As the person responsible for CT inspection services on site, and during numerous customer training sessions I had the chance to learn about customer requirements and demands in very diverse industries”, Gück says.
Now YXLON Inspection Services is going to benefit from this experience and the in-depth technical know-how. In the future, YXLON Inspection Services will provide test services at all locations worldwide for customers who need temporary support, who have not yet invested in their own inspection system or who require assistance regarding projects of very special tasks. Particularly metrology applications belong to those special tasks because where tactile or optical measuring techniques come to their limits, computed tomography is able to extract fine surfaces and accurately display and measure inner structures.
In particular, the Inspection Services location in Hattingen (Germany) is equipped with a large variety of YXLON X-ray and CT inspection systems which can cover the entire range of inspection tasks. The highlight is a linear accelerator in the big radiation protection bunker being used for large parts or parts with a high density. For the whole application spectrum from nanometer to high-energy, customers benefit from outstanding consultancy and findings under one roof. Globally, all YXLON inspection systems are available thus enabling direct performance of nearly every customer enquiry due to close network.
Christian Gück has clear objectives: “In the course of the next few years we will not only talk about application or service centers but about full competence centers for our customers at all locations. This will allow us to be prepared and available for any problem they should have. We won’t only provide system solutions to our customers. We want to support them with our broad knowledge of radiography and computed tomography and with innovative, first-class service products to define their requirements and sustainably improve their processes. Only close contact to the customers gives us the necessary insights into their needs. And with these insights, we have the opportunity to have a direct impact on research and the further development of our products.”
Source: YXLON