Foundry Corporate News Foundry of exzellenz

Foundry of the Week: ODLEWNIE POLSKIE S.A.

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The scope of the company’s operations is the production of castings mostly of the nodular cast iron with the mechanical machining (production of casting components). The production is carried out in the factory premises located in Starachowice. The company also operates trading activities (buying and selling of foreign castings) and provides services in German foundries. In production operations the Company and its co-operators offer an extensive customer service, including design, the production of foundry equipment and the creation of castings, their machining and heat treatment, as well as priming, assembly and shipment. The technological process is under thorough monitoring regarding the quality of burden materials, an rapid analysis of the chemical composition of compounds, as well as the moulding sands and casting dimensions.

The high quality of products manufactured by the Odlewnie Polskie S.A. contributes to the promotion of the brand among clients. 

The recognition of the brand is proven by the fact that the company is associated in Polish and international organizations.

The strategy enables the Company to compete with the best foundries of developed countries and ensures a high (an above-average in the foundry industry) profitability of operation.


  • Since 1998 shares of the Joint Stock Company Odlewnie Polskie are quoted on the Stock Exchange in Warsaw (lead shareholding belongs to the Management of OP S.A.).
  • Production: 20 000 tons of castings annually.
  • Specialization: production of castings from spheroidal cast iron, grey cast iron, SiMo and ADI..
  • 32 mln EUR for investments in the last years (equipment of foundry plant, software, control and measuring devices).
  • Offering castings with mechanical treatment and machining.
  • Research and Development Centre of Casting Components.

Main Equipment: 

  • automatic moulding line: Loramendi VMM 5070C,
  • automatic moulding line: Heinrich-Wagner-Sinto EFA – SD4,
  • tree furnaces of a medium frequency of the OTTO JUNKER Company, 7 Mg/ each.
  • Computer tomography 450KeV, with wall penetration up to 80mm,
  • Furnace for heat treatment with capacity up to 15 tons company TACHTECH S.R.O,
  • Automatic core installation machine for HWS line,
  • Fastems machining sell with CNC machines,
  • MAUS grinding machines,
  • Robotic painting line. 

Certificates: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 

Company Info



Telephone: +48 41 275 86 00
