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Kurtz Foundry Machines present their SOLUTIONS FOR THE BEST

Get highest melting and casting quality by the use of Kurtz’ special low-pressure casting process and its special casting line concepts!

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Kurtz Foundry Machines develop highly efficient LPDC machines and casting lines to produce a broad diversity of parts from small to even large dimension casting, for lightweight construction hollow cast and multi-cavity casting up to 8 knuckles.

Under the motto SOLUTIONS FOR THE BEST, Kurtz Foundry Machines offer their expertise in casting production. No matter how highly automated your production line should be, Kurtz Ersa will find the right solution for you.

To make your machine or casting line even more profitable, also ask about the Kurtz POWerBoard – the perfect tool to increase your OEE!

More about the Kurtz POWerBoard:

We are happy to assist and ready to talk about your projects. Contact us:



Company Info

Kurtz GmbH & Co. KG.

Frankenstr. 2 (Industriegebiet Wiebelbach)
D-97892 Kreuzwertheim

Telephone: +49 9342 / 807-0
