
Now aluminium is also becoming scarce

Effects also due to Ukraine conflict

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As Börse Online reports, aluminium is becoming scarce.

Russian companies like Rusal are no longer getting raw materials for the production of primary aluminium. Bauxite comes from Ukraine and Australia, among other places. Rusal is the third largest producer of primary aluminium with a production volume of 3.8 million tonnes.

Statistics: Largest aluminium producers worldwide by production volume in 2020 (in million tonnes) | Statista

You can find more statistics at Statista

Since China is also having problems, the price of aluminium could rise significantly further.

Last week it was already reported that Trimet is cutting back its production in Essen due to the sharp rise in energy prices.

The price of aluminium is currently just under $3,500 per tone.



Source: Guss-Geflüster
