On the instructions of Sean Bucknall and Graham Randall of Quantuma the joint administrators of JD Norman Lydney Limited.
Bidding is now open - place your bid in this online auction here: https://machineryauctions.lsh.co.uk/auctions/9999/ed10666
This is an unique opportunity to acquire the complete contents of JD Norman, a leading global development, design, manufacturing and test company of Greensand Cast Camshafts, located near Gloucester, UK.
The facility includes a fully equipped foundry, cost over £11.5M, with recent upgrades including new 3,000kW Inductotherm Furnace in 2018. The site also includes extensive equipped grinding and drilling finishing workshop. The property is also available to buy, details upon request.
View the Auction Information Flyer PDF HERE
Modern production equipment supplied by German, Japanese & British suppliers including:
- Inductotherm Induction Furnaces (3 of) to 3,000kW, 4-Tonne and Year 2018
- BMD Dynapulse Moulding line with mould size of 812x812x250mm
- Spencer & Halstead in-line rotary shot blast system
- Sand Plant with (5) silos; Eirich DW2914MZ9 sand mixer & UHDE DWF sand cooler
- Koyama Barinder 400 automatic grinding machines (14 of) to Year 2012
- (3) TIBO E15-6-1000TU 6-spindle Automatic deep hole run drilling machines Year 2012
- (2) TIBO/ TBT M320-6-1200 6-spindle deep hole gun drilling machines Reconditioned 2016
- Vehicles, Spares (£500k+), Laboratories, Workshops, Quality Control & Standby Generator
Maynards, alongside LSH & Robert Levy Associates, is proud to offer this unique opportunity to acquire the complete assets of JD Norman Lydney Limited as a whole or for sale as component pieces. Available for purchase from July 2020, removal and global logistics solutions available upon request.
We highly recommend that you register for this sale today by sending a message to europe(at)maynards.com or call Daniel Gray at: +44(0)113 5321611. The factory is located near Gloucester, UK.