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PROCAD Impulse Tour 2017/2018 is making a stopover at KRÄMER+GREBE

The digital future of production data

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On 21.11.2017, the PROCAD truck made a stopover on its Impulse Tour 2017/2018 at the grounds of KRÄMER+GREBE and provided the employees there with a new impetus for working with PRO.FILE. 

In a first block of topics, users were provided with tips and tricks that will make working with PRO.FILE on a daily basis easier. The topics of “finding documents quickly” and “working with favourites and subscriptions” were on the agenda, among other things. Also highlighted was the advantage in the fact that documents are not simply scanned in and stored in digital format on a file system, but are also linked with one another; in other words, the defining feature of Industry 4.0.  

In a second block of topics, the department heads were given new ideas on how to better utilise PRO.FILE with respect to digitisation. It was also demonstrated how a controlled, logged and secure exchange of technical documentation can be implemented with customers and suppliers using PROOM. Here too, the potential in Industry 4.0 was made clear, by creating consistency from the CAD system, via PRO.FILE, to NAVSION.

The last block of topics addressed the question, “Where are you now, and where do you want to go?” This question was discussed with regard to the company’s strategic development towards digitisation and Industry 4.0 in the company of senior management and other strategic decision-makers. It thereby became clear that this development is certainly attainable with the use of PRO.FILE.

The goal of this day, to give users a new impetus for working with PRO.FILE, was achieved 100%.

Company Info


Ludwig-Grebe-Straße 5
35216 Biedenkopf-Wallau

Telephone: +49 6461-80080
