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km 9, Route d´El Jadida, 20 000 Casablanca, Morocco

MAN Diesel & Turbo SE

Stadtbachstr. 1 , 86153 Augsburg, Deutschland

MAT Foundry Group Ltd.

16 Mannings Heath Road, BH12 4 NJ Poole, Dorset, UK

MAT Machining Europe GmbH

Karl Heinz Fräger Straße 3, 34376 Immenhausen, Germany

Menegotti Indústrias Metalúrgicas

Rua Palmiro Gneipel, 300 - Centro Norte, Schroeder - SC, Brazil

Metal Filtration Ltd

Retford Enterprise Centre Randall Way, DN22 7RG U Retford, , United Kingdom


ul. Ujastek 1, PL- 31-752 Kraków, Poland

Metalpol Węgierska Gorka Sp. z o.o.

ul. Kolejowa 6, 34-350 Wegierska Gorka, Poland


Str. Medwedew, 1, Gebäude 2 (Büro 201), 25006 Kirowograd, Ukraine

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic

Na Frantisku 32, CZ–110 15 Prague 1, Czech Republic

MLZ foundry

188/2, Heroiv Ukrainy St., 72319 Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia oblast, Ukraine

MMG - Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH

Teterower Straße 1 , 17192 Waren (Müritz) , Germany

Modelárna LIAZ, spol. s r. o.

Kamenická 743, 460 06 Liberec 6, Czech Republic

Nemak Europe GmbH

THE SQUAIRE 17. Am Flughafen , 60549 Frankfurt, Germany

Ningbo Tontel Machinery Co.,Ltd

Room 1504-3, Building 757, Rili Zhong Road, 315199 Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China