
Casting of chassis and body components

VDI Wissensforum 19 and 20 March 2024 in Landshut

Pressemitteilung | Reading time: min

Even after the end of the Corona pandemic and the increasing normalisation of supply chains, German automotive producers and thus also the foundry industry are facing major economic and technological national as well as global challenges.

Exchange views on current challenges in the casting of chassis and body components.

Meet numerous colleagues and top-class experts.

Use the excellent network from industry and science to be up-to-date.

Upcoming dates:

The conference "Casting of chassis and body components 2024" enables you to exchange experience and information with colleagues and experts in a targeted manner - compact and from practical experience.

An industry on the move

Exciting questions about the future, how the new vehicle concepts will affect the foundry industry, will large castings (mega/giga castings) prevail over conventional structural castings, which AI concepts will be introduced and can they help to compensate for the shortage of skilled workers, what challenges will arise for the foundry industry from energy and environmental issues and much more.

Our VDI symposium "Casting of chassis and body components" in March 2024 in Landshut would like to address all these questions and challenges again and bring them up for discussion together with you through top-class presentations by experts. A field trip to the BMW foundry in Landshut will round off the programme.

You are therefore cordially invited to submit exciting presentations and to enrich the event with your personal participation.

Become a speaker at the VDI conference on Casting of chassis and body components 2024

Submit your contributions on the following topics by 22.09.2023:

How will the car market and mobility concepts develop worldwide in the future?

How will new vehicle concepts affect the foundry industry?

What challenges will arise from energy and environmental issues?

Which strategies will prevail for structural components?

What are the limits for large castings?

Will artificial intelligence permanently change foundry processes?

What is the future of the foundry industry in Germany and Europe?

The conference will be accompanied by a large trade exhibition with vehicle exhibits from the OEMs.

+ A plant tour at BMW in Landshut is planned.


Company Info

VDI Wissensforum GmbH

VDI-Platz 1
40468 Düsseldorf

Telephone: +49 (0)2116214-201
