AIA Engineering Ltd. operates a state-of-the-art foundry in Ahmedabad, India, primarily for the production of chrome steel crusher balls used in cement and mining industries.
AIA is the world market leader for these products. To meet the increasing demand, AIA ordered a new state-of-the-art moulding line in spring 2021 with a box size of 850x650x250/250 mm and a capacity of 200 complete moulds per hour.
With the delivery of this system, the first hybrid concept was implemented in cooperation with the HWS heavy-duty company Sintobharat (SBML) in Chennai, India. The plant concept was completely designed and constructed in Germany and the core components were supplied from Germany. The remaining assemblies were manufactured by HWS's sister company Sintobharat (SBML).
The core of the new system is a twin molding machine that produces an upper and a lower box mold at the same time.
Just as important as the modern and reliable plant technology is the service concept of the SINTOKOGIO Group. Again, AIA leaves nothing to chance. The service concept includes a 24/7 hotline service. If necessary, HWS technicians in Bad Laasphe can log into the control system of the molding line in order to carry out diagnostics or program changes.
In addition, a service contract has been concluded. This includes regular inspections of the system, needs-based training and an optimized stockpile of spare and wear parts.
The plant was commissioned as planned in late summer 2023. On the occasion of the IFEX 2024 trade fair, HWS Managing Director Andreas Klein visited the AIA foundry and thanked the Managing Director Mr. Bhadresh Shah, Business Head Mr. Chetan V. Shah as well as the entire AIA team, also on behalf of the entire SINTO team HWS and SBML for the excellent cooperation during the planning, production and assembly of the plant.
"The system is an AIA-SINTO system from a single source. Colleagues and customers have become friends. Everyone is united by the experience of having created something very special," he concludes.
Sintobharat Managing Director Arjun Bagri states: "We have grown with this task and are proud of what we have achieved. In this project, we were able to prove our capabilities.
AIA's Chetan Shah sums up: "We have high standards in terms of quality, productivity and speed. We manufacture products with sophisticated machines in large quantities. During the selection process, we were impressed by the technical solution and the service concept of the Sintokogio Group. During the project phase, the installation, the commissioning and now in the day-to-day business, the cooperation was and is excellent. Our expectations were more than met."