Foundry Corporate News Topic Moulding Topic Machine mould casting

DISA Global Services: It’s all about the customer

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“It’s all about the customer. And only the customer"

The statement belongs to DISA Vice President Ulla Toennesen, whose clear aim is to take DISA Global Services to the next level by making it the best performing service organization in the industry already in 2016.

“Recent feedback from one of our customer surveys shows that some of DISA’s worldwide customers would appreciate more “availability” and shorter “delivery time”, clearly indicating to me as head of Global Services that it’s time for a global inventory strategy that will focus on our customers. And only on our customers”, says Ulla Toennesen.

Going above and beyond

“To me, it’s all about going above and beyond in the relationship with our customers – irrespective of where they are in the world, what their needs are, and when they would like to see them met. Therefore, if we wish to steer DISA further onwards on the path to becoming – and staying – the preferred complete foundry partner worldwide for our customers, one way of solving our customers’ issues is to ensure that DISA services and spare parts are easily accessible and available”.

Stock management of spare parts for our customers

“One step in the right direction is the implementation of the term ‘service level’. We are changing our global focus from parts delivery to parts availability in order to meet the expectations and needs of our customers. Results from our stock performance in Denmark and the US are good, as we have already begun implementation of this new procedure in both places; however, we have yet to fulfil our goals completely. In 2016, our aim will be to reach the targets by way of implementing our new service level term in all DISA warehouses worldwide”.

“Again: It’s all about the customers. And only the customers. When DISA delivers the right services and parts at the right time and at the right price to our customers – thereby offering worldwide foundries the opportunity to do ‘one stop shopping’ with us – we will be on the verge of achieving our overall goal of becoming a worldwide, preferred complete foundry partner. With a Global Services organization that sets new standards and shapes the industry”, concludes Ulla Toennesen, DISA VP of Global Services.

Company Info

DISA Industries A/S

Hojager 8
DK – 2630 Taastrup

Telephone: +45 4450 5050
