Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG introduces new diecasting technique FGS (Frech Gating System) at the GIFA 2011.
The new FGS casting process saves energy as well as process-related costs. It helps customers to cut the amount of scrap returns by at least 40%.
The Management of Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG is confident that this solution will give Frech customers a crucial competitive edge in the coming years.
Four years may seem a long time, indeed. However, four years are not much time when applied to the development of diecasting innovations which help industry players to cut a swathe in the rough and competitive diecasting industry. Four years was the limit that the diecasting machine and tooling manufacturer Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG had set itself to come up with solution which would protect the environment and resources, achieve energy efficiency whilst maximising economy.
At this year's GIFA exhibition, besides some other important innovations Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG unveiled its fully mature FGS technique, the Frech Gating System.
FGS - casting virtually without a gate - is a novel process for series production and an innovative technology developed by Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG.
Without FGS | With FGS |
In conventional diecasting processes the casting system is emptied with each shot until the bath level has been reached.
When casting with the FGS the liquid metal always „stands at the gate", ready for the next shot. In the ever fiercer competition for energy and resources FGS offers significant advantages:
Return scrap can be cut by almost 40 percent which means that less money needs to be spent on remelting, logistics and to compensate for melting losses.
- Process costs:
Shorter cycle times, no gate handling and less wear. - Quality:
Less air in the casting and improved quality of casting, especially in areas close to the surface.