
RUS - There are new success stories from the Italian foundry machine builder SAVELLI - Flash interview with Francesco Savelli

Commissioning of the main equipment for the new “Green Sand” Foundry of Nizhegorodskiy Liteyniy Zavod (NLZ, Russia)

Reading time: min
Thomas Fritsch, Chief Editor

Francesco Savelli rightly points out, that there are still large parts of the industry that cannot be electrified and SAVELLI is available with its sand and moulding equipment for commercial and Industrial vehicles, trucks, tractors, excavators and all the machines dedicated to heavy operations which require a traditional diesel engine.

After the new large and innovative molding line for SCANIA in Sweden, SAVELLI has recently commissioned the main equipment for the new “Green Sand” Foundry of Nizhegorodskiy Liteyniy Zavod (NLZ, Russia) for the production of cast iron engine blocks and cylinder heads for commercial and industrial vehicles:

> Sand plant capacity: 150 tons per hour;
> Mold’s size: 1.400 x 1.100 x 450/450 mm;
> Production rate: 60 complete molds per hour;
> Mold’s compaction process: high pressure double squeezing SAVELLI Formimpress;
> Cooling time: 190 minutes (79 minutes in-flask and 102 minutes in flask-less);
> Type of drive units: horizontal and vertical SAVELLI new generation El-Mecs (electro-mechanical by SIEMENS servomotors);
> Typology: heavy-duty, complete automatic and fully integrated, high-energy saving;
> Foundry 4.0 compliant.
It is a real pleasure to be able to work in Russia, a very satisfying booming market!

What are the reasons that SAVELLI is so successful in Russia in particular?

Francesco Savelli: SAVELLI is an established famous brand in Russia since 2007,

We have successfully designed and installed complete new foundries coordinating other suppliers or in coordination with other suppliers (always involved in the plant engineering only and never in the process) for Sibelektromotor, Altaivagon (2 foundries), PSM Hydraulics, Polimet, RUSAL and NLZ of United Machinery Group.

We have also recently installed single plants or single machines at foundries such as Tutaev Motor Plant and LMZ Semenov.

Each time we have been successful because the Russian client is competent, collaborative and helpful and above all respectful of contractual obligations.

The Russian customer considers the supplier as a partner for his foundry and works closely together for the success of the project, recognizing to it since the initial selection a value that is not only in the price (the Russian customer recognizes a certain value for technology and innovation, also in personal relationships of trust, and for him it is not only the most competitive price that counts).

The Russian Market is growing significantly

Today, the Russian market, despite the difficulties caused by the devaluation of the Ruble and by the Covid-19 pandemic, is growing significantly; this thanks to the desire of Russian companies to grow and excel and thanks to the policy of creating an internal supply chain for the production of cast-iron and steel castings (for Automotive and Railway industries), as well as the desire to have plants and equipment modern and innovative.

Furthermore, in my experience, we have special relationship with Russian companies, because we always worked in full transparency and honesty, respecting the promises made and fulfilling all our contractual obligations; trust is the basis of a successful and long lasting relationships.

Company Info

Savelli Technologies S.r.l.

Via Marrocco 1/3
25050 Rodengo Saiano (BS)

Telephone: +39 030 22795
