
ITA - Flask-less cooling house extension at Fonderia ZARDO ITA

Cooling the molds longer, faster and cheaper -Modernization by SAVELLI

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As we have learned from Italy that the prestigious foundry Fonderia Zardo is about to invest.

Fonderia ZARDO has ordered to SAVELLI the extension of the flask-less cooling house and the modernization of the existing SAVELLI F1 molding line (800x700x300/300mm, 200 molds/hour) installed in 2000 with the new generation SIEMENS drive units developed by SAVELLI since 2009.

The main advantage of a flask-less cooling house is to cool molds with castings in a longer, faster and cheaper way through simple electro-welded steel double jackets (2 molds in 1 jacket; 1 steel jacket replaces 4 flasks and 2 pallet cars). The extension of the existing 3-levels flask-less cooling house will be executing during August 2022 adding a 4th level.

About Fonderia ZARDO:

The foundry  ZARDO is located in Bolzano Vicentino close to Vicenza. The foundry produces about 20.000 tons per year of iron castings (mainly ductile) characterized by high complexity weighing from 2Kg up to 120kg (single casting) on an area of 40.000sqm with modern and innovative equipment. The product range includes above all water pumps, hydraulics, reducers, lift winches, transmission and general mechanics.

Company Info

Savelli Technologies S.r.l.

Via Marrocco 1/3
25050 Rodengo Saiano (BS)

Telephone: +39 030 22795
