Foundry Daily News Topic Pressure Die Casting

Sustainability as a gamechanger - Hartmut Fischer encourages German Diecasters

Topics of the 22nd Druckgusstag in Mainz: Change, Decarbonization, Transformation and Taxonomy

Reading time: min
Thomas Fritsch, Chief Editor

At the opening of the 22nd Die Casting Conference in Mainz, VDD President Hartmut Fischer recalled the impressive EUROGUSS 22 last summer. Marked by the aftermath of the pandemic and the start of the war in Ukraine, this magnificent showcase was able to demonstrate the strength and visibility of the die-casting industry despite all the difficulties.

In times of change, decarbonization and transformation, enormous efforts are required from the industry, but also the support of associations and politics.

In Germany, only about 400,000t of die casting were produced in 2022 compared to 600,000t in 2018 and, regrettably, some companies had fallen by the wayside.

There were many reasons for this, including supply chain problems, for example with magnesium, or other developments such as in zinc die-casting, which recorded a decline of 30% in 2022 compared to 2019, which was due to the decline in the construction industry.

Even at present, the challenges are enormous, as Fischer admits, but he sees the greatest opportunity in the changes to confirm technical leadership in complex processes and castings.

For the most part, the companies have mastered the crisis well and now the opportunities should be used. Fischer considers the demands for sustainability as a positive game changer and at the same time appeals for fair energy prices and framework conditions with a view to the political level in Germany as well as in Europe.

During the 22nd Die Casting Day, in addition to interesting contributions from the field, there was, as usual, a small exhibition where a lively exchange took place between the lectures, just as there had been the previous evening at the Foundry Meeting sponsored by Trimet.

Program topics:

The changing aluminium market
(Tim Okelmann - TRIMET Aluminium SE, Essen)

Light is money - Reducing electricity costs through lighting contracting in foundries
(Hellena Ebel - CONLED Lichtcontracting GmbH, Bremerhaven)

Decarbonization & Climate Neutrality, Casting Materials and Properties
(Dr. Stuart Wiesner - Aluminium Rheinfelden Alloys GmbH, Rheinfelden)

Financing the foundry industry in times of EU taxonomy
(Frank Hoppe - Knöll Finanzierungsberatung, Augsburg)

Challenges of a foundry in transformation
(Stefan Kneer - Albert Handtmann Metallgusswerk GmbH & Co. KG, Biberach)

Saving energy, raw materials and costs, through innovative release agent technology for structural components in aluminum die casting
(Dr. Jochen Caster - Quaker Houghton Sales B.V., Germany branch)

Digitalization as a supporter for the industrialization of a of a new production plant
(Eric Müller - Casting Divisions Gnutti Carlo Group/Ljunghall, Maclodio, Italy)

Magnesium - What's next?
(Dr. Martin Tauber - International Magnesium Association IMA)

Can the tension between productivity increase, cost reduction and the introduction of new products solve the shortage of skilled workers?
Jürgen Schmiezek - TVARIT GmbH, Frankfurt a. M.)

Megacasting: Opportunities - Status - Outlook
(Michael Cinelli - Bühler AG Die Casting, Uzwil)
