
GERLIEVA takes positive stock of EUROGUSS and looks to the future with realistic optimism

Major challenges for mechanical engineering

Pressemitteilung | Reading time: min | Bildquelle: Gerlieva

The team around GERLIEVA boss Armin Linbrunner looks back positively on EUROGUSS 2022, this time held in June, and takes the many impressions and personal encounters with them as a basis for the perspective orientation in the next 2 years. 
Especially the personal meetings were so important, emphasises Armin Linbrunner. In a time of great challenges and change, it is essential to know where the industry wants to go. 
Of course, topics such as e-mobility or giga-castings were on everyone's lips in the exchange of experts at international level, but in essence it is always about contact with the customer first. 
As a flexible family business, GERLIEVA sees itself well positioned in this respect, because individual customer service is a top priority. 
The mechanical engineering industry is facing immense questions, changes and opportunities worldwide and this also applies to mould spraying systems and peripheral equipment such as dosing systems, test and rinsing equipment. 
Nowadays, it has no longer just about the best process technology, but about future-oriented plant concepts that take care of energy recovery, for example. In addition, it is important to meet customer-specific plant designs and to remain able to deliver despite global supply bottlenecks. 

The GERLIEVA team benefits from 45 years of tradition, knowledge and a wealth of experience, but the most important thing is the highly motivated team that tackles the current challenges with energy and ambition. 
Would you like a practical example?  

GERLIEVA currently has a test and rinsing stand on order as peripheral equipment for spray heads weighing up to 250kg. 
Interior Dimension 200 x 150 x140 cm 

Company Info

GERLIEVA Sprühtechnik GmbH

Tiergartenstraße 8
79423 Heitersheim

Telephone: +49 (0)7634 56912-0
