New product applications and innovations from Foseco for Non Ferrous foundries
At the Metef exhibition from June 21st to 24th 2017 Foseco will be showing new processes and products for cost effective melting and holding of aluminium, optimized melt treatment and innovative melt transfer and dosing.
Metal Treatment for Aluminium Foundries
The Non Ferrous metal treatment area will feature the latest generation of Foseco FDU and MTS equipment – state of the art technology for the automated treatment of an aluminium melt. This innovative rotary degassing process is controlled by SMARTT, a software which is based on the recently developed Foseco Degassing Model that accurately simulates rotary degassing. The operator simply defi nes a melt quality level and SMARTT predicts the best treatment practice based on ambient conditions, melt temperature, rotor design and alloy composition. The treatment parameters are automatically transferred into the FDU MTS. In conjunction with innovative rotor designs Foseco guarantees a constant quality level and reliable results.
A new chemical grain refi ner in granulated form can be added through the automated Metal Treatment Station. This new grain refi ner offers many advantages such as improved melt fl uidity during casting, reduced inclusion level and better mechanical properties. The dross remaining after the treatment is low in metal which additionally saves costs.
There are two types of products that are key to the performance of the MTS 1500. The XSR and FDR rotors are new designs of rotors that create the optimum vortex for the addition of the treatment products. They are also highly effi cient in removing dissolved hydrogen.
The COVERAL* MTS fl uxes is a range of new treatment agents that has been specifi cally formulated for use with the MTS 1500 that covers the principal foundry operations of cleaning, drossing, modifi cation and grain refi nement. It keeps smoke and fume to a minimum.
Foseco offers fl uxes and granulates for melting and holding furnaces. FLUSSUM G granular fl uxes are an environmentally friendly range of fl uxes for melt treatment of aluminium. Powder fl uxes possess certain disadvantages such as dust generation during application, toxic emissions, and problems of inconsistent effi ciency due to their morphology. In order to overcome these disadvantages, fl uxes in dust free granular form have been developed.
INSURAL furnace lining system for aluminium foundries saves energy and reduces downtime
Foseco has developed a new, insulating lining system for use in aluminium dosing- and low-pressure furnaces in Aluminium foundries. The system, based on Foseco’s well-known INSURAL range of nonwetting and insulating refractories offers numerous benefi ts to the foundryman.
Foseco offers almost all consumables for dosing furnaces in different materials such as INSURAL, silicon carbide, clay-graphite or ZYAROCK (high-purity SiO²). Depending on the customer’s requirements, the sales team selects the most suitable solution for the foundries
ENERTEK* is a new family of energy effi cient crucibles that has been formulated and manufactured to offer the most thermally effi cient crucible for melting and holding aluminium.
ENERTEK ZnO Crucibles: Thermally effi cient crucibles and retorts for the manufacture of Zinc Oxide via the “Indirect” process
Foseco announces the launch of ENERTEK ZnO crucibles and retorts specially developed and designed to minimise energy consumption and maximize process effi ciency in the production of zinc oxide via the Indirect or French process.
DURATEK* is a new family of crucibles with improved properties designed for specifi c applications to achieve an extended service life.